Monthly Super Visa Payments and Short-Term Visits for Parents

monthly payment of super visa insurance

The Super Visa program presents a wonderful opportunity for many Canadian families to bring their parents and grandparents for long visits. Nonetheless, understanding the criteria associated with Super Visa Insurance is not easy. This article looks at what it takes to manage the monthly payment of super visa insurance including coverage options, benefits as well as other factors that can ensure an easy process.

The Super Visa Program allows mothers or fathers and grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents to visit Canada repeatedly for up to two years without having to renew their status every time. Super visas are popular choices among families who want longer visits by relatives compared to regular visitor visas which usually allow six month stays. 

Importance of Super Visa Insurance

One of the basic requirements for obtaining a super visa is proof of medical insurance from a Canadian insurance provider. The insurance must be valid for a minimum period of one year with at least $100, 000 in coverage. Given the potential costs of medical care, having adequate insurance ensures that visitors are protected and that their hosts are not financially burdened. 

Monthly Super Visa Insurance Payments

Many families find paying for Super visa insurance one-time challenge. Luckily, there are companies that provide Super visa insurance monthly payment plans. It means that instead of paying thousands all at once, you can split it into smaller amounts and pay over the specified period.

Coverage Options and Benefits

  • Super Visa Insurance Monthly Payment Options:
    There are now several monthly super visa insurance providers offering very flexible terms in this regard, including monthly payments.  This may be particularly useful when planning how to ensure continuous coverage on tight budgets without having to make large initial capital outlays.
    • Super Visa Monthly Payment Insurance: Look out exclusively for ‘Super Visa Monthly Payment Insurance’. These plans satisfy the needs of the Super Visa but still offer some financial leeway required by most households.
    • Monthly Super Visa Insurance Plans: Super visa insurance monthly plan not only divides premiums into small payments but also usually has additional features such as being able to increase the policy if necessary or change it altogether. Today many insurance providers offer various payment options that can be matched to the clients’ financial capability and preferred level of risk.
  • No Limit Consultations – This covers unlimited consultations for common ailments such as coughs, colds, body aches and diarrhoea.
    • Unlimited Prescription Coverage- This takes care of any prescribed medications without limit.
    • Other Consultations – These are all-encompassing walk-in benefits covering different health problems and medical consultation. Considering the current pandemic, it is important for Super Visa insurance plans to cover COVID-19. It provides coverage for visitors who may fall ill with the virus while in Canada, inclusive of treatment and essential care.

Additional Benefits 

Physical Exam: 1 visit per year not exceeding $250. 

  • Eye Exam: A single visit not costing more than $100 within twelve calendar months.
  • Vaccines: In a period of twelve months not more than $100.
  • Accidental Death & Dismemberment: Provides financial support in case of severe accidents resulting in death or dismemberment.

Side Trips Coverage 

Super Visa insurance plans often include coverage for side trips to the USA and other destinations around the world from Canada. This feature is a big selling point for visitors who intend to travel as they stay in North America. 

Comprehensive Plans and Discounts 

  •         Comprehensive Super Visa Insurance: These plans give a wide range of coverages with up to 45% deductible discounts. By doing this, couples can enjoy double savings making it cost-effective for families.
  •         Upgrade Options Available: Most providers allow you to change your plan if your needs change so that you are always covered when you need it most.

Ensuring Compliance and Making Informed Choices 

-Age and Health Considerations 

The amount Canadians pay for their parents’ Super visa insurance depends on their age and health conditions. Older people or those having pre-existing medical conditions may pay more premiums. It is crucial that the medical information provided is accurate so that one will be able to get a realistic quote from the insurer for sufficient coverage. 

-Contacting Insurance Providers 

If interested in knowing more about super visa insurance products and getting personal quotes, families should communicate directly with insurers. Here are two contacts: 

1877-525-1278 EXT 137 1888-444-0076 

These numbers will connect them with professional service providers who will guide them on available options regarding coverage, assist them compare different policies and also help them through the application process. 


Parents’ grandparents coming to Canada under the Super Visa program is an excellent opportunity for families to reunite and spend quality time together. Properly covering them with the Super Visa Insurance policy is crucial at this point in time. By understanding various coverage options, benefits, payment schedules etc. families can make choices based on knowledge which provides both monetary flexibility as well as comprehensive protection. Whether choosing a comprehensive or monthly super visa insurance monthly plan’, safety and compliance should be given the first priority so that all will have a pleasant and trouble-free visit.

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