Can You Switch to a Monthly Super Visa Plan After Applying?

Super Visa insurance monthly plan

Getting a Super Visa for your elderly parents or grandparents to visit Canada can sometimes be tricky, especially when it comes to the insurance aspect. Most people ask whether it is possible to move from an annual plan into a Super Visa insurance monthly plan after submitting the initial application. This article will focus on some details of Super Visa insurance and discuss the possibility of changing to a monthly payment structure after applying. 

Understanding the Super Visa and Its Insurance Requirements 

The super visa lets parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents stay in Canada for up to two years at a time without having to renew their legal status. Proof of medical coverage with a Canadian insurer is among the crucial requirements that one must meet before they are issued with a super visa. 

This insurance has to:

  •         Be valid for at least one year from the date of entry
  •         Provide minimum coverage worth $100,000
  •         Cover healthcare, hospitalization and repatriation

Based on these conditions, most applicants try to get appropriate plans that are cost-effective. 

Super Visa Insurance Plans 

Normally there are two kinds of Super Visa insurance plans which include annual plans and Super Visa monthly payment insurance plans. Both options have pros and cons. 

Annual Super Visa Insurance Plan 

An annual super visa insurance plan entails paying an entire year’s premium upfront. It gives extensive cover hence many people prefer it as it is simple and meets visa requirements. However, this may be expensive for some families who cannot manage such huge single payments. 

Super Visa Insurance Monthly Plan 

A Super visa insurance monthly plan allows you to pay premiums in installments every month. It provides similar coverage as the yearly plan but divides its costs over 12 months hence can easily be handled by many households. The question is whether you can switch over from this plan while you had initially applied using an annual one. 

Switching to a Monthly Super Visa Plan After Applying 

  • Feasibility of Switching Plans: Switching to a super visa insurance monthly plan after applying is possible although it depends on a number of variables such as the insurance provider’s policies and the timing of the switch.
  • Insurance Provider Policies: Some insurance companies allow for switching between different plans. Therefore, you need to inquire from your insurer about any alterations in the payment schedule that may occur after the first application.
  • Timing of the Switch: If such a switch occurs immediately after making an application it might be easier. Conversely, if parents or grandparents have already come to Canada before thinking about this changeover, this could become more complex and would likely include having to submit some additional forms or wait longer for processing.

Process of Switching 

If your provider agrees to move from an annual plan to a Super Visa insurance monthly plan, follow these steps: 

  • Contact Your Provider: Get in touch with your insurer so that you can discuss how you can go ahead with changing over. It is important that you understand what this means regarding charges or changes in coverage.
  • Submit Required Documents: You may be required to provide new financial details or papers which will help in effecting this changeover. These may include proof that supports your ability to pay on a monthly basis.
  • Amend Your Application: Depending on your provider, you might need to amend your Super Visa application or submit additional forms to reflect the change in your insurance plan. 
  • Receive Confirmation: Make sure you are also provided written proof by your insurer that the switch has been made. This is important because such documentation may be used when submitting it to immigration authorities in case of any needs that arise.

Advantages of a Monthly Payment Super Visa Insurance Plan 

Choosing a monthly payment Super Visa insurance policy comes with many advantages including: 

  • Financial Flexibility: It makes financing accessible for budget-restricted families since the payment can be spread over 12 months.
  • Budget Management: Monthly payments enable better management of household cash flow, resulting in more stable monthly obligations.
  • Immediate Coverage: Families do not have to wait until they have saved a lot of money before meeting the requirements for a Super Visa.

Considerations Before Switching 

  • Insurance Costs 

However, there could be hidden costs involved in this type of monthly payment Super Visa insurance. Some companies will charge extra fees and even interest for allowing monthly payments. Compare total cost over the year between annual and monthly plans so that whatever decisions you make turn out to be economical on your side. 

  • Policy Terms 

Ensure that switching to a Super Visa insurance monthly plan does not alter the terms of your coverage. The coverage amount, validity, and benefits should remain consistent with those required under the Super Visa program. 

  • Approval and Compliance 

It is important that the switchover must not contravene super visa insurance compliance requirements set forth by CIC. Ensure that your provider agrees and puts it down in writing; take note that if there are changes, then it means that cancellation fees will apply. In addition, policyholders should ensure their coverage is valid and meets the minimum requirements as long as they stay here. 


Switching to a Super Visa insurance monthly plan after applying could offer financial flexibility while removing the need for a large initial deposit. Nonetheless, it is important to understand the rules of your insurer and what this change means. Knowing what can be considered as costs, terms in policies and compliance needs will enable one to make an informed decision that best suits their financial situation while at the same time ensuring safety for loved ones who are visiting Canada. 

To sum it up, even if you have already made an application for Super Visa Insurance, you can still adjust by switching to a Super Visa insurance monthly plan. In order to manage your finances well and cover your parents or grandparents effectively, follow these steps carefully and comply with all visa requirements. Whether you choose an annual plan or opt for Super visa monthly payment insurance, understanding the options and making an informed decision is the key to a smooth and stress-free experience.

Parents Super Visa 

To get the best super visa insurance for parents, working with a leading Super Visa insurance company, for example, Parent Super Visa, is truly a smart idea. Simply put, the company is armed with qualified and fully dedicated insurance experts who will walk the extra mile to provide the best possible and affordable Super Visa plan that will fit within your budget. Visit to learn more about and/or hire the Super Visa Insurance services it offers.  

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