Success Stories


Found my perfect one on Hindustanmatrimonial.Never thought I could find someone so perfect for me. Thank You Hindustanmatrimonial.


I am very thankful to your site for searching my life partner. i got my perfect match on june 2015 and married in sept 2015. We both thankful to you.

Davinder and Akvinder

Hello, I found this girl and send her request on one fine day, finally after couple of months she accepted my request. I was paid member I got her number and started texting, chatting and later talking. Now we are planning to be together soon. Wish you all happy time.


I’m glad to use Hindustanmatrimonial because I got my husband here life partner. Because of this app many parents are relaxed to get perfect partner for Their son or daughter. Thanks Hindustanmatrimonial .com ..u rocked it..


Hindustanmatrimonial has been very much interactive with regular reminders and follow up process and also with access to contacts with ease. Great support ..Thank you


Hindustanmatrimonial has helped me to find my match. The whole experience of using HM was amazing. Good work guys on the app and Thanks a lot!!